Aquatic Recreation Center

Current Updates/Status

Current Status:

January 8, 2025   Happy New Year.  The project continues as we have now received our updated cost estimates and are working through the many complexities with our project manager and design team.  So not many specifics to share, other than we are moving forward and if everything is received by the County and State, and we can finalize all of the details in design, we are ‘hopeful’ to be going out to bid later this spring or early summer for construction.

October 17, 2024   The Board of Commissioners approved entering into contract with Bloom Projects LLC for project management services for the Aquatic Recreation Center.  We are still in the middle of the CD phase and are expecting new cost estimates in early November which will help guide us to going out to bid for a contractor in 2025.

August 30, 2024 Update:   Work continues in the CD Phase.  Final design inputs are being worked on.  So nothing exciting at this time, just plowing forward.

July 22, 2024 Update:   At the last meeting of the Board of Commissioners, the Board voted to enter into the CD Phase (see below).  Also on July 16th, the $15 million, first installment of the Bond proceeds was received.

July 1, 2024 Update:  For the past six months, as part of receiving bond funding, our district had to go through a multi-month financial audit with the State of Washington.  This was followed by working with Standard and Poor’s to get what is called a Bond Rating.  This is what is currently happening.  We anticipate receiving the first portion of the $27 million from the bond in July 2024.

We are currently at the end of what is called Design Development (DD).   This is where the design input for the Aquatic Recreation Center is being finalized.

Next step, which we anticipate starting in July, is entering into the Contract Document (CD) phase.   This typically is about a 4-6-month phase where the designs are put through the final stages, some permits are secured, etc.

After this, we will go out to bid for the construction of the project.   Once we enter into contract with a builder, we will have a groundbreaking ceremony.

As far as when will the pool be open to the public, we will have a much better timeline for this when we work through the Contract Document phase.

If you would like to talk about the progress, feel free to contact our Director, Brian Tomisser at 360.221.6488.

Will another vote for a levy be needed to pay for operating the faciilty?

Yes, once built, this facility will have a cost to operate and maintain that is separate from the construction costs that will be paid with the bonds referenced above.  A portion of these costs will be covered with user fees and rentals.  The remainder will be addressed within our regular maintenance and operation levy which funds the District.

Our current levy runs through 2026.  We will be proposing a new levy in 2026, that will begin in 2027.

What is planned for this facility?

  • Multipurpose warm learning pool for swim lessons, water safety, physical therapy, water aerobics, water walking, core fitness, and family recreation
  • Multipurpose lap pool for family and lap swim, lessons, swim teams, vertical exercise, and water safety training
  • Multipurpose rooms for community meetings, party rentals, and activities
  • Multipurpose fitness area for wellness activities including yoga, Pilates, and dance
  • Staff offices for the Park District

Where will the facility be located?

The chosen site is in Community Park at the Maxwelton Road entrance.

The site was selected because it is:

  • on land already owned by the public
  • in a central location between Freeland, Clinton, and Langley
  • served by Island Transit
  • near the public schools
  • a short drive from Highway 525
  • closely connected to the Parks trail system, fields, picnic shelters, sport courts, and other facilities

What activities are planned for the facility?

  • Water safety
  • Learn to swim
  • Therapy and rehabilitative services
  • Family recreation
  • Aquatic fitness
  • Youth swim clubs
  • School swim teams
  • Robotics and other special project activities
  • Special needs programs
  • Stand up paddleboard and kayak classes
  • Community functions, parties, entertainment
  • Day camp programs
  • Sports programs and camps

What about Environmental Stewardship?

One of the guiding principles for South Whidbey Parks & Recreation District operations is to develop, operate, and maintain the parks system in an environmentally responsible manner. The design, construction, and operation of this Aquatic Recreation Center will be done with clear focus on this principle of environmental stewardship.  Elements of the environmental stewardship plan include:

  • Siting the facility in a central location on a transit line
  • Developing the site in a responsible manner
  • Using sustainable, recyclable building materials
  • Building a highly insulated structure
  • Choosing high efficiency HVAC systems
  • Designing a high efficiency pool heating system
  • Including solar in the building design to reduce the carbon footprint of the facility
  • Developing wastewater, stormwater systems to recharge aquifers

Who will operate and maintain the facility once it is up and running?

The facility will be operated and maintained by the Parks District. Currently, the Parks District rents office space from Island County. The plan to put the Parks District staff offices in the building will make the operation most cost-effective and will make this building the de facto Parks headquarters for the future.

Tell me more about the Parks District

South Whidbey Parks and Recreation District is a local government entity overseen by a volunteer group of five citizens elected by District voters. The budget to operate and maintain the Parks system is from a voted levy provided by the citizens of the District. The District operates with a small staff of three office and three maintenance employees who administer District recreation programs and maintain more than 400 acres at six park sites. Oversight of this staff is provided by the District Board of Commissioners and audits of District finances are conducted biennially by the State of Washington.

Link to draft of DD set for Aquatic Recreation Center.  This is not the final set, but the updated draft as of January 2024.
