Dog Sports – Fun with your Dog!

AGES 18+

There are hundreds of ways old dogs, young dogs, rescue dogs, poorly socialized, small, medium, large, and all dogs can have fun with their owners. Jan has been awarded titles and is experienced in dog sports venues with all breeds. We will be sampling the ‘Dog Sports’ listed below:

  • Beginning Fast CAT® (no cats involved)/Lure Coursing: Timed dashes where dogs run one at a time, chasing a lure.
  • Retrieving on command
  • Fetch for fun
  • Using noses while on leash (good for young & old dogs)
  • Tracking
  • Therapy Dog introduction
  • Agility
  • Trick Dog
  • Basic Dog first aid
  • Disaster preparedness for your animals

We will sample sports with your dog understanding the limitations they might have.

Instructor: Jan Skewes ( has taught classes for over 30 years. She has trained and taught 4-H groups in sports, worked with service dogs in training, received titles in 50+ venues, has had over 5 recognized “Achievement Dogs”, is certified by the AKC to evaluate teams for Canine Community Dogs, was recently certified to evaluate and be a tester for “dog therapy teams,” has trained and competed in “Trick Dog” events, has logged over 100 therapy visits with her dogs, and is a “Search & Rescue Tech 3.”

Bring: Leash, collar, treats, and dress in layers.

Location: Community Park “Dog House”, 5495 Maxwelton Road, Langley; classes meet in the classroom and will also have off-site field trips.

Map to The Doghouse

Schedule: Thursdays| May 2-30 | 5-6:30pm | $150

Min 4/Max 6